- Other display and gaming experience optimizations.
- Other display and gaming experience optimizations.
- Other display and gaming experience optimizations.
- Other display and gaming experience optimizations.
- Other display and gaming experience optimizations.
- Other display and gaming experience optimizations.
- Other display and gaming experience optimizations.
- Other display and gaming experience optimizations.
- Other display and gaming experience optimizations.
- Other display and gaming experience optimizations.
- Other display and gaming experience optimizations.
- Other display and gaming experience optimizations.
- New event: Path to Glory! Join forces with other Lords in your Kingdom to complete quests and share the glory and rewards!
- Other display and gaming experience optimizations.
- Other display and gaming experience optimizations.
- Improved the display of Hero Skill effect at different levels on the skill info panel.
- Optimized the display of the instruction page for "Curio Fortune Key".
- New Appearance Item: Frostwing Enchantment! Unlocks when Dragon Frostwing reaches the required Power.
- New Event: Astro Observation!
- New event-related Battle Pass challenges. Complete quests related to various in-game gameplays during the event and level up to earn corresponding rewards.
- Other display and gaming experience optimizations.
- Other display and gaming experience optimizations.
- Other display and gaming experience optimizations.
- Other display and gaming experience optimizations.
- New timed event: Troop Type Conversion!
- New Event: Elizabeth's Gift! Defeat the enemy and retrieve your supplies!
- New Event: Combat Carnival! During the event, all Lords and Ladies will receive various Healing Benefits:
- Other display and gaming experience optimizations.
- Other display and gaming experience optimizations.
- New event: Cabin of Opportunity! Visit the Cabin of Opportunity and win generous rewards!
- New feature: Surprise Gift! Use Surprise Boxes to wrap up precious items and send them to your friends!
- New feature: Airship Refinement! Use specific items to refine the Airship in all aspects and get more powerful benefits!
- Improved the display of the Oracle Reefs event page in Event Center.
- Adjusted the pop-up texts displayed when the "QUICK JOIN" function fails due to insufficient Stamina.
- Improved the display of the Oracle Reefs event page in Event Center.
- Adjusted the pop-up texts displayed when the "QUICK JOIN" function fails due to insufficient Stamina.
- Other display and gaming experience optimizations.
- Other display and gaming experience optimizations.
- Improved the experience of using Hero Contracts:
◎ After using a Hero Contract, Hero details can be viewed by tapping the icon of acquired Heroes on the display page.
◎ After using a Hero Contract, you can directly use your remaining Hero Contracts continuously on the display page.
- New feature: Troop Talents! Unlock troop talents for enhanced battle abilities!
- Brand new feature: Rise to Apex! Offering guidance to help all Adventurers attain to higher Power!
- Other display and gaming experience optimizations.
- Brand-new Cavalry Hero: Raykin Blackford.
- New Event: Dreamy Golden Pearls! More golden pearls, greater rewards! Collect all 6 for Premium Rewards!
- Introduced the new feature - Oceanic Esotericas! Unlock the mermaids' esotericas to gain powerful benefits!
- Introduced the new feature - Oceanic Esotericas! Unlock the mermaids' esotericas to gain powerful benefits!
- Meet the new Distance Hero: Ilan!
- Introducing the new feature: Estate Blueprints! Helping you reorganize the estate layout with elegance!
- Other display and gaming experience optimizations.
- Other display and gaming experience optimizations.
- Other display and gaming experience optimizations.
- Other display and gaming experience optimizations.
- Introducing the new Heroes: William Kidd and Thalia!
- Revealing the Sea Master's Horn, the most powerful treasure of the sea!
- Raises the level cap to 40 for the Sea Master's Crown, Trident, Armor, and Cuff.
- Other display and gaming experience optimizations.
- Introducing the new Hero: Fenrir!
- Adventurer Equipment Expansion: The "Headgear" and "Weapon" slots of Storm, Warrant Officer, and Sergeant sets will be available for forging.
- All-New Alliance Championship: Hieron of Bones!
- Introducing the new Hero: Fenrir!
- Adventurer Equipment Expansion: The "Headgear" and "Weapon" slots of Storm, Warrant Officer, and Sergeant sets will be available for forging.
- All-New Alliance Championship: Hieron of Bones!
- Other display and gaming experience optimizations.
- Active Skills for Large Landscapes.
- New Feature: Estate Visit! Explore fellow Adventurers' Estates on the Kingdom Map.
- Introducing War Master: Dark Ember — an exclusive reward for the Top 160 Adventurers in the Match of Champions Finals of the Lord of Tides Season 2!
- New event: Deep Invasion! Enigmatic visitors from the depths emerge onto the shores. Rally together and vanquish them!
- New event: Lost Revenant! A battalion of soldiers who perished in the battle with Atlanteans millenniums ago remain oblivious to their own demise and unaware that the war has ended, wandering around the kingdom without a purpose. Defeat them to free them from this perpetual agony.
- Permanently increases the Skin Benefits! Parts of the benefit increase have already taken effect through hotfixes, now you can check the detailed stats after upgrading to the latest version.
- Optimizes the Skins interface, bringing you a more intuitive layout and more convenient interactions.
- New event: Beach Blast! Match your way to a cool summer! Clear tiles to reap rich rewards!
- New event: Snap Sale!
- Introducing the Tier system to KvK.
- Other display and gaming experience optimizations.
☆What's New
- New function of Mecha Kong: Modification!
- The Dragon Boat Festival theme events will be launched soon!
◎ To provide a more immersive gaming experience, the art of in-game resources, such as Food and Magic Crystal, and their corresponding buildings have been adjusted, aligning them better with the world settings. This will not affect your experience in other aspects.
- Other display and gaming experience optimizations.
☆ Brand-New Battlefield Gameplay: Lord of Tides!
☆ Brand New War Master: Mecha Kong!
☆ Special Events: Journey to the Mirage!
☆ New System: Hero Bond!
☆ New Hero: Freya!
- Other display and gaming experience optimizations.
◎ Added the "Quick Use" option to certain item-obtaining interfaces, enabling you to use all target items stored in your Inventory with one little tap.
◎ Improved the visual effects for the protagonist's portrait.
◎ Improved the UI design and text descriptions for certain feature interfaces.
- Other display and gaming experience optimizations.
- Other display and gaming experience optimizations.
◎ Adds brand-new stages to challenge your strategic brilliance!
◎ Introduces new themes to the Sharpshooter gameplay, in which you take on the roles of different Heroes and use their exclusive weapons to attack!
☆ New Expansion—"Spring Spectacle"
◎ Elevates the upper limit of Stronghold level to 40! Unlocks T12 Troops and Researches of higher qualities! (These updates will become available on April 7th.)
◎ A series of exciting events and mini-games themed "Spring Spectacle" will be launched on April 3rd. Lots of rewards and perks await!
- New PvP gameplay: War of Waters! (Stay tuned for more detailed info regarding when the event will be launched.)
- Optimized certain interactions, text descriptions and interface display for the Pinnacle of Kings event.
- Other display and gaming experience optimizations.
- Added a sharing feature to the "Sharpshooter" gameplay. On the stage summary screen, you can tap the “SHARE” button to share the game to your social media and invite your friends to join in on the fun. In addition, you can earn in-game bonus rewards 3 times per day for sharing.
- New KVK Gameplay Feature: Pinnacle of Kings
- Added community-related quests to Main Quests
- New Hero: Ignazio. (This Hero cannot be recruited from the Tavern, and will be gradually unlocked based on the founding time of each Kingdom.)
- Optimized the art effect of the Gemstone system.
- Other display and interactive experience optimizations.
- Added a new Perk to VIP Lv.11: Permanently Unlock 1 Airship Phantom. Correspondingly, the Mercenary feature in the Airship interface will be removed. Rest assured that your Mercenary Airship Orders can still be used.
- Optimized the Equipment system, and added a new Equipment Set.
- Other display and gaming experience optimizations.